
Photo of Chris Jones

Principal, Christopher Jones

Hi, Welcome to Spring Hope Elementary.

My name is Chris Jones and I am the Principal of SHES. I am also a resident of Spring Hope. I love calling Spring Hope home and love being a part of the Spring Hope Community. My experience as a teacher extends back to 1990 as a young Band Director for Vance County Schools. After starting a family, I moved closer to home in the NC Mountains teaching in Alleghany and Wilkes Counties. In 2005, I became a school administrator. Since that time, I have served as Assistant Principal and Principal in Elementary, Middle School and Early College High School. In 2017, I relocated with my family to this area where I have remained continuing in the administrator role. I served as a foster parent for 10 years and adopted 4 boys along the way.

My vision for SHES is to grow into a well-respected, Child Centered learning environment that would send students to the next level of their educational journey well prepared. This means achieving high proficiency rates, achieving and exceeding growth. The State of North Carolina rates schools with a report card much like students. I can not think of any reason why SHES can’t achieve a “B” rating in the next few years. However, we must ALL do our part. School MUST be a priority with families. Students and Staff must “Show Up, Step Up and Refuse to Give Up!”

If we all have the same goal, we will surely get there together! Let’s do this! As I always end my messages to my families, “It is a pleasure to serve as your Principal”


Assistant Principal, Ariel Dixon

Hello Spring Hope Families!


This is my 12th year in education and I am thrilled to serve as the Assistant Principal at Spring Hope Elementary School.   I received my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in History with a teaching certification in middle and high school Social Studies.  In addition, I obtained an Add-on license in K-12 School Administration, which led to an Master of Arts degree in Executive Leadership Studies and an Ed.S. in Educational Leadership.  I have taught middle and high school Social Studies in the public and private school sectors, Adult Basic Education in the community college arena, and provided intervention services as a CARES Interventionist.

I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Spring Hope students, families, and staff to maintain a collaborative working environment with the goal to increase student growth and proficiency.