Weekly Reminders 11-4-2024

This week will be a regular schedule week for SHES students.

PLease be reminded that our students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be taking their first set of benchmark assessments this week. The testing will run each morning on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

  • Monday, November 4th will be Math NC Check-Ins

  • Tuesday, November 5th will be NC Reading Check-Ins.

Please make sure you are all on time this week so we can get started as quickly as possible.

Beginning last week, the breakfast line will be closing at 8:15 each day. All students are given the opportunity to get breakfast as they arrive. If students do not choose to eat breakfast, they will go to the media center. Once students make their choice, they can not change once they arrive in the media center and leave to go to the cafeteria. Please make sure they understand that breakfast must be the first stop they make after arriving to school.

If you are being asked for a connection code in the Pikmykid app in order to connect your child for dismissal notifications, please send a note to the teacher, we can run the code for you and send it home with your child at the end of the day.

Report cards will be sent home on Monday, November 4th for all SHES students. Please check your child's book bag as they arrive home. If there are any more technical issues, I will send home a notification. I think I have all the issues fixed, but just in case, a message will be sent home either way Monday evening.

Thanks for your attention and it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal.