Weekly Reminders

We are gearing up for a new full week at the Nest.

A new nine week grading term has started as of Friday, January 24th. This takes into account that students were out of school from the 17th through the 23rd with Teacher Workdays and Weather days. We need for students to return with the attitude of “Let’s Do This. To Proficiency and Beyond”.

Mclass assessments will continue this week with completion by the end of the week. NC Check-In Benchmark testing will start next week. Attendance is vital to be prepared.

Once our Middle Of Year (MOY) assessments are complete, I will begin to schedule meetings with selected students for “Promotion Status Meetings” This will review all existing data for students not meeting current promotion standards. This will allow students to have time to correct performance and/or attendance before the end of the year. Meetings will be scheduled around the middle of February. I believe in letting families know in advance of issues so everyone has time to turn it around.

If you have not connected to ROOMS with the NCPS App, please do so asap. Any remote learning days will use ROOMS to communicate with parents directly from the classroom. If you have questions, please contact your teacher so they can help or find help for you. We are beginning to use the behavior section of ROOMS that will work much like DoJo did in the past. I will alert you when we are fully operational with this.

Thank you for your attention and it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal.