Weekly Reminders

Last week was a packed week with our 100th day of school and our Valentine’s day events at the Nest. This week will be a full week of working toward our goals in every grade level.

Tuesday evening, we are having our Parent teacher team meeting that was rescheduled from last week. All parents are invited as we explore ideas to help our school with upcoming planning of events.

So, I am sure everyone has heard the potential weather forecast for this week. Wednesday could bring us some winter weather. If this forecast seems to strengthen, I will be sending communication home through ROOMS and teachers will be communicating through ROOMS regarding district expectations. To help with communication, I will send information through our call/email system, our website and through Facebook. Please check all of these formats if one does not work for you. Once I know the district’s expectations, I will send out a call. Of course, this is a plan and if the weather does not threaten our schedule, we will be on time as usual. I will keep you updated as much as possible.

Please know that remote learning opportunities never fully replace the learning we get in our classrooms. This is why it is crucial to make our “regular schedule” days count with your child’s attendance. This is especially true in a week where weather could interrupt our week. We can better prepare students for changes if they are in attendance.

Friday of this week is scheduled for Spring Pictures. I love it when picture day comes along. It is sort of like the “red carpet” moment at the car line on picture day.

I am preparing for promotion status meetings by reviewing data. Please know I have not forgotten. I look forward to scheduling meetings with parents so we can work together in reviewing what we need to help with success.

Thanks for your attention and it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal.