Weekly Reminders

I hope everyone stayed safe and warm throughout the winter storm. Thanks for your support in having students online for their class meetings for grades 3-5.

As we prepare for our return to school tomorrow, please remember these things to bring to school:

Grades 3, 4 & 5. Make sure you have packed your computer AND the charger in your backpack for tomorrow.

Parents, please double check to make sure this is done. Students will be charged for chargers that are lost. I do not want to see that happen.

Grades K, 1 & 2. Please pack your completed packets of work to bring and turn in to your teacher tomorrow. Even if there is some work not complete, please bring it back so we can help you with it or make sure you can get it done for credit. Work turned back in also gets your attendance for the remote days counted as present.

Parents, please double check to make sure all packet work is packed to be returned.

This week we will be getting back into the routines we have a t school and working to get back on track!

Just a little information for everyone on the reality of school: We have approx. 51 days of instructional days left until the End of Grade testing. 51 days equals approximately 10 weeks. This includes any review time for the tests. This also includes assessment time for the K -2 students. Everyday counts and attendance is crucial to gaining the knowledge needed to pass the assessments. Also, if your child is habitually checking out early, they are losing instructional time for these assessments. We know some times it can not be avoided, but when it can, we need students to be here for the entire instructional day. We want to be successful at the end of the year. Please help us with this.

Thanks for your attention and it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal.