Good Evening Spring Hope Families,
What a nice Spring-like week we have had at the Nest! Just a week ago we were under a winter storm. Only in North Carolina, right?
This week we are beginning our Operation Proficiency plan. This gets our staff ready to have “all hands-on deck” as we work toward the last weeks to give extra preparation for the End Of Grade Tests in May. Yes, that sounds like a long way away, but, in reality, that equals 47 instructional days, which equals 9.5 weeks of full instruction. This includes reviewing material learned throughout the year. I did consider special days, such as early release days, field day and Letter Land day that is coming up. Urgency in learning is at full throttle! It is crucial for attendance to be the priority. Our plan includes extra tutoring events, curriculum night, taking classes to a new level of support for these next 47 days.
A couple of dates that you that are coming up are:
March 7th, this Friday, we will have our annual Letter land Parade for our K-2. All Parents are invited. However, Our K-2 students will be participating. All parents will meet in the auditorium at 12:30 to prepare for the walk across the stage. It is so much fun to see how creative our students can be. Please come if you can. All festivities will be over by 2:00.
March 11th is scheduled for our Parent Teacher Team Meeting. Weather and sickness have caused us not to be able to meet in the past months, so please come if you can. We meet at 6:00 in the media center.
March 13th will be a special night for all parents to see what happens in your child’s classroom. We are having a Spring Curriculum Night. Parents can be in the classroom as our team of teachers gives a snapshot of what we use to teach your child. We will also show how we are implementing our Operation Proficiency Growth Plan. I hope you can all come out. This is vital as we head into testing season. The evening starts at 5:30 and ends at 7:00.
I think this fills you in on the happenings at the Nest this week. Be watching for a CRAZY Announcement this week about something I am doing to encourage students to GROW on their EOY Assessments this year. The students know, but the official announcement will come this week to families. Thanks for your support and as always, it is a pleasure to serve as your Principal!